About the Horizon Wellness Center at Landover
The Wellness Center at Landover provides a variety of clinical services for residents of the City of Lynchburg and the surrounding area. Our services and programs are designed to support the mental health and overall wellbeing of our clients. Individuals who seek behavioral healthcare services in the City of Lynchburg can receive case mental health management services for adults and intellectual & developmental disabilities case management for both children and adults at our Landover Wellness Center. Case managers help bridge connections to appropriate resources in the community by working with individuals and their families to establish appropriate linkages, referrals, coordination of care, and to provide regular follow-up on needed services and supports. The goal is to identify and assess client needs and evaluate, coordinate, and ensure necessary services are provided.
Nurse Practitioners can offer medication management and nursing assessments to adults on-site to help promote overall, whole-person health and the safe and effective use of medications as an important first step in developing a plan to deliver the best patient care. This service is recognized as an important part of the recovery process when used in an effective way as part of the overall treatment for mental illness or substance use disorders. Our team of interdisciplinary professionals are dedicated to support you in your wellness journey.

Prevention & Wellness Services
Horizon’s Prevention & Wellness Services are provided to help prevent substance misuse and suicide across the lifespan to promote mental wellness. The focus is on providing evidence-based prevention programs, trainings, resources, awareness campaigns and effective strategies to the community. An emphasis is placed on community collaboration and mobilization, enabling groups to work together to address identified needs for benefit of the greater community. Areas of priority include tobacco & nicotine, over-the-counter drugs, alcohol, marijuana, opiates and methamphetamines. Trainings offered by Horizon's Prevention Specialist free of charge to the community include Mental health First Aid for Adults and Children, Talk: Save Lives suicide prevention training, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's) Trainings and Virginia's REVIVE Opioid Overdose Response Training. Horizon also focuses on suicide prevention and creation of trauma-informed, resilient communities through active participation in local, grassroots coalitions and school based initiatives.
On-site Pharmacy
Making a separate stop to pick up medications can be a hassle. To make things easier for you, there’s a pharmacy right here at the Horizon Wellness Center at Landover.
Genoa Healthcare is our on-site pharmacy provider. Although patients may use any pharmacy provider they wish to fill their prescriptions, we recommend the on-site pharmacy as a convenient and effective service! Our Genoa partners can offer services to Horizon clients as well as your family for all health needs, behavioral health related or otherwise.
How Genoa Healthcare can help:
- Full-service pharmacy that can fill all of your medications, even those from your primary care physician
- Seasonal flu shots and a broad range of immunizations
- Pre-filled pill organizers to help you take the right dose at the right time
- Dependable delivery and mail services at no cost to you or you can pick them up curbside
- A trusting and caring staff to help you with anything that comes up, including medication and insurance questions
- Available to answer questions during business hours or through our 24-hour customer service line. To reach a Pharmacist after hours, please call (504)707-0364.
You have Horizon on your side, and Genoa Healthcare is part of our team. When you understand more about your medications, you feel better. And that’s why we’re here.
Learn more about Genoa Healthcare at www.genoahealthcare.com.
The pharmacy is open from 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday and the staff is ready to answer your questions – even if you’re meeting with your doctor by phone or video!
Ready to schedule an appointment? New clients, please call (434) 847-8000 . Returning clients, call (434) 455-3500.
Services Available At This Location
New clients looking to begin services at the Landover Wellness Center can call the Horizon Admissions Department at (434)-477-5000 to schedule a first-time appointment. To learn more about a specific service provided at this location, please click the link below.