About Us

Horizon Behavioral Health is the premier provider of mental health, substance use and intellectual disability services in Central Virginia.

Contact us at 434-477-5000 for an Admissions appointment!


A Letter from Our CEO

Dear Reader,

Thank you for considering Horizon in your search for behavioral health and wellness services.

It is our honor to serve the residents of the City of Lynchburg and the counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell, with life changing services to improve behavioral health outcomes across the lifespan. Horizon is here to serve you so that you can live confidently and independently in your community, ensure your children are given every opportunity to exceed as they chase their dreams, and help your family overcome obstacles that stand in the way of a safe, healthy, and happy future.

Our talented and caring Horizon team, an active Board of Directors, and the support of esteemed community partners have been foundational to the positive outcomes achieved over the past 53 years. With each year, we strive to advance our vision for a community who can confidently place their trust in us to provide behavioral healthcare services that are accessible, consumer-centered, cost effective, and outcome-based.

We hold true to our founding values by supporting each individual and family's right to participate in decisions affecting his or her life and providing timely services in the least-restrictive setting which are accessible, affordable, efficient and adaptable to each individual's needs. We will continue to build upon a culture of healing within the resilient communities we serve by fighting stigma that prevents individuals from receiving the help and care that they deserve. 

I am forever grateful for the privilege to represent this great organization as Chief Executive Officer.  It is my genuine honor to represent people who are saving lives, curing people, keeping them well and in the community. I would like to share a special thanks to our valued community partners who have supported us in our mission for 54 years. It is together, that we will overcome challenges that lie ahead with heightened motivation to pursue a bright future on the horizon.

With every best wish and kind regard,

Melissa Lucy, Chief Executive Officer

Melissa Lucy 2021

Celebrating Over 50 Years of Service

Horizon Behavioral Health has been serving the Lynchburg, VA area for 50 years. This video was developed to celebrate that monumental milestone in 2019.

Celebrating Over 50 Years of Service

Our Mission

“To support and promote the health, independence and self-worth of individuals and families in Central Virginia by providing a continuum of community‑based treatment, prevention, early intervention, and aftercare services for persons affected by mental health, intellectual disabilities, substance use and co‑occurring disorders.”

Our Values

Our vision is to provide behavioral healthcare services that are accessible, consumer-centered, cost effective, and outcome-based. 
At Horizon, we are guided by core values that shape our work and support the individuals we serve:

Every individual and family has the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives.
Each individual and family's right to be safe from harm.
Evaluating our services regularly as they relate to client and community needs.
Developing and retaining a well-trained and culturally diverse staff.
Providing timely services in the least-restrictive setting which are accessible, affordable, efficient and adaptable to an individual's need.
Working cooperatively with other agencies and organizations to provide our community with fully integrated services.

Real People. Real Stories.

Hear About Their Experiences.

Dave And Carol Pic
This March, in honor of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide are coming together to share powerful stories and valuable resources aimed at expanding opportunities for those with developmental disabilities. In Central Virginia, we hear from Carol Sosnoski, the sister and guardian of David, along with members of his dedicated Horizon care team, Lisa Haibach and Stephanie McCleese, offering a glimpse into the life of someone with developmental disabilities and the support that helps them thrive.
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Michele is a resilient mother celebrating sustained recovery. As a client of Horizon's Project Link Program, she has found tremendous confidence and strength in her recovery journey with help from her team at Horizon Behavioral Health. 
Jennis Pic
Jenni's journey to overcoming substance use. From mental health to support, relapse, and finding healing of body, mind and spirit. Jenni has found enjoyment in life, clean.
Dave And Carol Pic
This March, in honor of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide are coming together to share powerful stories and valuable resources aimed at expanding opportunities for those with developmental disabilities. In Central Virginia, we hear from Carol Sosnoski, the sister and guardian of David, along with members of his dedicated Horizon care team, Lisa Haibach and Stephanie McCleese, offering a glimpse into the life of someone with developmental disabilities and the support that helps them thrive.
Img 0990 202632968416468 1
Michele is a resilient mother celebrating sustained recovery. As a client of Horizon's Project Link Program, she has found tremendous confidence and strength in her recovery journey with help from her team at Horizon Behavioral Health. 
Jennis Pic
Jenni's journey to overcoming substance use. From mental health to support, relapse, and finding healing of body, mind and spirit. Jenni has found enjoyment in life, clean.

Take the First Step Toward a Better Future

Whether you’re seeking help for yourself or a loved one, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.